Technical skill trainings provided to rural village youths under the support of TAHDCO (Tamilnadu Adi Dravidar Housing and Development Corporation). Youths from SC /ST and marginalized communities were selected and provide them special training in computer education and other skills and placed in decent jobs in Government oces and Educational institutions. Each year 75 youth are trained and 225 poor rural youths are benefited under the scheme in a span of three years.

Residential school for school dropout children from rural villages aged from 6 years to 14 years are conducted at Karampakkudi and Annavasal in Pudukkottai district. The school is provided with three teachers, one helper and one cook for cooking food for children.

300 children were completed their school education and relieved from the clutches of child labour and retrieved their lost education under the scheme. The project was supported by “ Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ under the Government of India programme aimed at the universalisation of primary education to children.