About Us

READ Foundation (Rural Education and development Foundation) was founded in 1996 by a small group of social and environmental concerned youths at Annavasal in Pudukkottai district.
Welcome to READ Foundation

READ Foundation (Rural Education and development Foundation) was founded in 1996 by a small group of social and environmental concerned youths at Annavasal in Pudukkottai district.
Rural Education and Development Foundation

The trust was registered under the Government of India Trust Act and submitting the relevant documents with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India regularly. Read Foundation has the vision to enhance sustainable livelihood to the poor in the community, rescue and rehabilitation of young women working in textile industries, empowering women in the community through education, skill training, financial assistance like micro credits, health camps, linking the poor with government welfare assistance schemes and protecting the environment by using the natural resources and sustainable agricultural based activities to the farmers and the public. We have a good rapport with the Government agencies through sensitizing trainings to Government ocials and Police ocers on existing National and State laws which are protecting Children and Women in the community.
Educational support to the poor girls in the community.

READ Foundation was initiated to improve the labour conditions of the Home based women workers working in leather industries and eliminate child labour in industries, educational support to the poor girls in the community. READ Foundation has adopted UN Convention on the Rights of the Child UNCRC and Core Conventions of International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions 138 regarding admission of age to employment and Convention 182 regarding worst forms of Child Labour” are the core principles of READ foundation.
Empowerment of women

READ Foundation has adopts to achieve United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) especially Goal No. 5 Gender Equality, Goal No. 8 Decent Work and Economic Development, Goal No. 10 Reducing Inequalities and Goal No.16 Peace and Justice.
Since 1996 we have improved the socio economic and living conditions of the marginalized community through uninterrupted support like education to children, empowerment of women in the community and sustainable agricultural activities covering 07 villages in Annavasal and Viralimalai blocks in Pudukkottai district.
Make them small entrepreneurs.

READ Foundation has supported 384 Women Self Help groups with a total membership of 3860 members with a total amount of INR. 4, 68, 73,000/- (Four Crore Sixty Eight Lakhs and Seventy Three Thousand Rupees) as revolving fund micro credit to make them small entrepreneurs.
1436 farmers are benefited through sustainable ecological activities